Disco LL

Outstanding Qualities

  • Long life variety
  • Vigorous growth habit
  • Excellent yield potential
  • Multiple disease resistance, including bacterial canker

Disco LL is a long life tomato with an excellent track record. Disco LL is a semi-determinate medium maturing variety with very strong growth and good fruit colour and flavour. Plants are very vigorous with a very good leaf cover. Yield potential is very high with a very high percentage of first-grade fruit. The variety is aimed at the typical pre-pack market but for outdoor production. Disco LL has high resistance to Verticillium wilt race 1 (Vd: 1), Fusarium wilt races 1 and 2 (Fol: 1 – 2) and Root-knot (Mi, Mj). Disco LL has intermediate resistance to Bacterial canker (Cmm), Bacterial speck (Pst), Bacterial spot (Xcv) (now Xav) and Bacterial wilt race 1 (Rs: 1).


Special Varietal Requirements

  • Disco LL is sensitive to high applications of nitrogen