Naxos – Groen Genade Boerdery

by | Oct 13, 2020 | General | 0 comments

With a new disease threatening to infect even the healthiest amongst us, a lot of focus has been placed on healthier eating habits. Broccoli is considered as one of the healthier vegetables to consume, being high in vitamins, and low in calories. Genetic selections and breeding have enabled growers to produce this winter crop all year round. Naxos is an example of newer genetics that as been selected for warm season production. On these photos, the uniformity of Naxos is clearly visible at Groen Genade Boerdery in Brits.

Yielding a heavy head, with a good dome shape and excellent green color – these are only some of the characteristics that makes Naxos a popular choice amongst broccoli producers. Thank you Groen Genade Boerdery – for supplying our country with healthy eating options. It is a privilege to be working with growers that are part of the solution. We salute you!