MayFord Seeds won the BASA Environment & The Arts Award in recognition of their innovative series of events designed to leverage their brand by utilising the arts, thereby creating a solid connection between business and the arts in projects such as The MayFord Seeds Spring Concert with Richard Cock.
The Award proved to be the catalyst for transformation of their own at MayFord Seeds and the result is a brand new seed packet range with a fresh new design inspired by comprehensive consumer research. Respondents were quick to point out that the quality and reliability of the MayFord product is legendary and unquestioned, it was the seed pack that needed a fresh new look. First to market with the concept of a hermetically sealed seed packet, MayFord permanently changed the way seed is sold in South Africa by introducing expiry dates on their product and devising seasonal rotation in store, but what does all of that actually mean, the respondents wanted to know.
Originally termed ‘expiry date’, shelf-life is now expressed as a Best Before date, along with a fully traceable Batch Lot number in the event of a query. Twice a year in January and June the sales team swop out summer seed for winter seed and vice versa. This takes the guesswork out of planting time. Whatever seed is on the shelf may be sown right away.
The newly launched seed packet range includes six new Lettuce varieties just in time for delicious summer salads, and the subtle changes to the seed packet represent exactly what consumers asked for: The solid red block has been replaced with the original MayFord logo which ‘floats’ on a full face inspirational image of the final product, and the rest is ‘show & tell’; the award winning BASA gold laurels and the important message: ‘Sealed in Foil for Freshness. See BB Date’.
For more information on MayFord please visit our MayFord website at www.mayford.co.za