Conquistador II

Outstanding Qualities

  • Large white cabbage
  • Very adaptable
  • Excellent uniformity in the field
  • Very vigorous and uniform seedlings
  • Very good holding ability

Conquistador II is a large F1 hybrid white cabbage with a big frame. Conquistador II is very similar to the well-known Conquistador with many of the same trusted characteristics. Maturity is 100 to 125 days after transplant, depending on the area and season. Conquistador II is widely adapted and is an easy to grow hybrid. Plants are large and vigorous with the wrapper leaves covering the heads very well. The heads are a deep green-blue colour, uniform, very firm with excellent flavour. Field holding ability after maturity is exceptional, making it perfectly suited to be used as an overwintering variety in many areas. Conquistador II is suitable for both the bagging market and as a hawker cabbage. Hawkers will prefer this variety due to the large plant, wrapper leaves, head size, sweet taste and excellent shelf life.


Special Varietal Requirements

  • Conquistador II can tolerate both heat in summer and the cold throughout the winter months very well
  • Conquistador II is highly suited to the cooler times of the year – should ideally mature into autumn and early winter in coo areas and through winter in frost-free areas
  • Cold tolerance is excellent; however, heads should be mature before the first frost occurs
  • Contact area representative for a sowing guide