If you live in Burgersfort, more specifically Mafarafara Village (in Mpumalanga), you’ve probably heard of The Veggie Guy. It’s an award-winning farming setup, growing various vegetables for the surrounding markets and supermarkets. Mr. Kgapane is a grower of note, dedicated to providing his environment with a variety of fresh produce grown with pride. He uses a wide range of Sakata products to ensure the quality of his produce:
• Sweet Pepper – Excellence
• Tomato (Tunnel) – Jasmine
• Tomato Open Field – MFH 7032
• Cabbage – Optima
• Cabbage – Conquistador.
We are extremely proud of you Mr. Kgapane, and take great pleasure in sharing your story on our platforms. May the Veggie Guy grow from strength to strength – always contributing to the food security of our beautiful country.