Helianthus Annuus F1 Sunbright Supreme

Like Sunbright, Sunbright Supreme is a tall cut flower variety bred for early flowering under short day conditions and low temperatures. Compared to Sunbright, Sunbright Supreme is less sensitive to cold temperatures and flowers earlier. Flowers also have more rounded petals.

  • Sunbright Supreme is a short day response variety and more responsive (quicker flowering) under short day conditions than Sunbright
  • Uniform and vigorous under low temperature and short days
  • Strong flower stems and necks for upward-facing flower heads
  • Very well suited for production of dwarf-type flowers used in bouquets
  • Less susceptible to botrytis at harvest stage
  • Holds up extremely well in long distance shipping


20/gram; Normal

80-160 cm

Cool, dry, airtight 8-10°C